I started SIIU Collections, because I wanted to and because I saw there was a place in the market for a company that offers fashionable, ethically and sustainably produced clothing under one hub.
I’ve always known I wanted to start a business, and I think when you know you’re set to do something it becomes a part of who you are. In recent years, even friends and family have been bringing up my future as a business owner without me saying anything, I’m sure they just never expected it to be so soon. I’m a true believer that if there is ever a point to take a risk in your life, it’s when you’re young and able to bounce back. I went into this business with no financial help from anyone, and I don’t say that with a tone of bravado, if you have the ability to get funding from relatives and others around you don’t take it for granted. However, seeing as I didn’t go that approach, I knew this was going to be a high enough risk to set me back for a couple of months, but still not leave me in a place of worry.
On this blog it’s not a secret that I have a passion towards sustainability and seeking to make my fashion consumption and other’s more cyclical. SIIU Collections, my sustainable fashion boutique, was founded on the principles of community, earth and style; believing it is possible to have a stylish wardrobe to meet the times while playing our part to care for our community and not cause harm to the Earth. In the near future I don’t think there will ever be a point when we will be producing clothing made from 100% sustainable fabrics, but I do think it’s possible to have a successful eco-friendly fashion industry. Many people say they would shop sustainably if they could afford it or easily locate it, and while the costs are still an active mission, I knew I could provide a solution to the accessibility.
With all of these things considered, I will rephrase and say the reason I started my own business is because life is worth taking risks and I wanted to play my part in helping our planet and community.